There’s a Worm At The Bottom Of The Garden Nursery Rhyme – Lyrics, Video, and Printable

There’s a Worm At The Bottom Of The Garden is a humorous and whimsical nursery rhyme that has been popular in English-speaking countries for generations. The song is also called Wiggly Woo.

The rhyme is often accompanied by hand movements or gestures mimicking the wiggling of a worm, making it a fun and interactive activity for young children.

The playful nature of the rhyme, along with its catchy rhythm, has ensured its popularity as a favorite among children and parents alike.

The rhyme’s origins are uncertain, but it has been passed down through oral tradition and is commonly found in nursery rhyme collections and children’s songbooks.

It celebrates the simple joys of nature and the imagination, as well as the wonder and delight that can be found in everyday things, even a humble worm in the garden.

Lyrics for There’s a Worm At The Bottom Of The Garden

There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden
And his name is Wiggly Woo
There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden
And all that he can do
Is wiggle all night and wiggle all day
The people around here, they all do say
There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden
And his name is Wiggly
Wigg-, Wigg-, Wiggly
Wigg-, Wigg-, Wiggly Woo

Videos for There’s a Worm At The Bottom Of The Garden



Samantha Bellerose has a Bachelor of Education as well as a Diploma in Performing Arts. She is a mom to four children and is passionate about education and learning. Samantha created Nursery Rhyme Central as the go to place for parents, teachers and carers about all things to do with Nursery Rhymes. She is also the Main Author and creator for websites Dance Parent 101 and Move Dance Learn, where she shares her knowledge and expertise for dance and learning through movement.

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