The Clapping Song is a popular children's song and hand-clapping game that has been passed down through generations. It is also known as "My Mummy Told Me" or "Rubber Dolly." The song involves...
Category: Actions or Dance
"Rubber Dolly" is a traditional nursery rhyme often sung as a clapping, rope-skipping, or ball-throwing song. The song also goes by the name My Mummy Told Me and The Clap Song. As with many...
My Mummy Told Me is a lesser-known but ancient nursery rhyme that could have been a clapping, rope-skipping, or ball-throwing song. As with most nursery rhymes, little is known about the song's...
One Finger One Thumb Nursery Rhyme Lyrics, Video, and Printable
One Finger, One Thumb is a simple and traditional children's song with repetitive actions and movement making it fun to sing and act out. This rhyme is great for increasing children's recall and...
Pat-a-Cake is a traditional nursery rhyme and hand-clapping game often played with young children. Like many nursery rhymes, its origins are somewhat unclear, but it has been part of children's...
In and Out The Dusty Bluebells Nursery Rhyme Lyrics, Video and Printable
In and Out The Dusty Bluebells is a fairly well-known nursery rhyme, singing game, and playground song, sometimes called In and Out the Dusting Bluebells. The song dates back centuries, with its...